Starting Bid: $7,000
- $10,500
Live Auction
Subasta VIII
Live bidding began
Apr 26, 2024 at 12 PM CST
Sobresaliente acuñación, amena y suave pátina oscura, prácticamente sin circular a primera vista si solo se observa el reverso dado a que conserva bastante brillo e incluso cierta reflectividad, realmente curioso ya que del lado del escudo presenta excesiva corrosión y desgaste originario del cuño, pese a tener un aspecto similar a la que adquiere una pieza de naufragio si se inspecciona la superficie a detalle se puede confirmar que carece de daños al igual que el canto, relieves perfectamente bien conservados, solo con algunos insignificantes rayoncitos a la izquierda del ensayador, sugerimos observar en mano
Outstanding mint, nice and smooth dark patina, practically uncirculated at first glance if only the reverse is observed since it retains enough luster and even some reflectivity, curious as the side of the shield has excessive corrosion and wear from the original coinage. Despite having an appearance similar to a shipwrecked piece, if the surface is inspected in detail, it can be confirmed that it lacks damage as well as the edge, perfectly well-preserved reliefs, with only a few small scratches to the left of the assayer, we suggest to physically observe the piece.